Hi there,

I'm Zoë Rose,
Editor and Book Coach

I serve writers in a way that makes sense to them.

Through my experience as an editor of literary and scholarly journals, I help memoir and nonfiction authors build their best draft from the ground up. Through my experience as a research assistant, I set them up for success.

I serve people who are passionate about their community. Whether you're an expert or a hobbyist, an entrepreneur or a volunteer, I'm here to help your story stand out.

Photo of Zoe Rose Wright

Woman writing

My Approach

I believe that what's best for a book is unique to each writer. With each project, I take steps to understand your reason for sharing your message, the needs and behavior of your target audience, and any trends that may affect your publishing journey. With this information, I help nonfiction and memoir authors:

  • Identify their ideal reader
  • Develop and stress test their outline until it's airtight
  • Determine which publishing path is right for their goal
  • Create compelling book proposals and query letters
  • Edit and fine-tune manuscripts for self-publishing

My Core Values

Community is the driving force behind our stories. Our communities inspire us. It can be a book club, a volunteer organization, an association of local business owners, an online forum, or even our friends and neighbors. I feel that each book represents a rich cross section of every community the writer has engaged with. I believe that we are stronger when we support (and are supported by) our communities, and I am passionate about helping writers develop and maintain their own sense of community so that their author journey never has to feel lonely.

Accountability is crucial to maintaining your forward progress. My coaching process centers on setting tasks that are clear, actionable, and prioritized. I aim to provide an environment where you feel willing and motivated to show up for yourself and do the work. You are committed to your idea and I am committed to helping you make the most of your time and effort.

Adaptability is key to forming a coaching relationship that is efficient and, more importantly, compassionate. We all learn to write differently. We develop our style with every book we read, every movie watch, and every conversation we have. I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. If you write for your audience, your audience will find you. It is my job to understand your publishing goals, research your audience, and set you up for success.

Honesty is perhaps the most important quality editors and book coaches can have. I want my clients to feel confident and in-control at every step in their publishing journey. I can do my part by providing feedback and support that is honest and timely.

Lifelong Learning is a subtler value than the others in this list, but important nonetheless. I believe that everything we do contributes to the story of our life. I approach each project with the questions "What will it bring to your story?" "What will it bring to your audience?" and "How can I make this experience as positive as possible?"

Stay in Touch

Whether you have questions or are ready to get started, I would love to hear from you. The writer's life is all about the journey and I'm always happy to talk perspectives and research for the sake of mutual growth.


Ready to dive in? Have questions but aren't ready to start a project? Just want to say hi? Visit my contact page to get started.


Have any questions or topics you would like me to discuss in a blog or video? Leave a comment on my Ask the Editor page or by finding me on Substack.

Stay in Touch

Whether you have questions or are ready to get started, I would love to hear from you. The writer's life is all about the journey and I'm always happy to talk perspectives and research for the sake of mutual growth.

Stack of Mail

Ready to dive in? Have questions but aren't ready to start a project? Just want to say hi? Visit my contact page to get started.


Have any questions or topics you would like me to discuss in a blog or video? Leave a comment on my Ask the Editor page or by finding me on Substack.